Input props properties
Props is a valid input spreadable object for your convenience. It inherit properties from your input.
For example. if you add a min and max value for input type range, you will find that in props. So add only valid input props.
If you want extra data use the data property when creating your inputs. You can access and use, but cannot modified properties that are locked . You can only modified unlocked ones .
- id input id
- accept input type file accept property
- name input name
- type html input type
- value input value
- checked input checked state boolean
- multiple input property for multiple selection boolean
- placeholder input placeholder
- onChange() a method to change input value. Accept InputEvent or customValue
- And any other property you add to your inputs except the reserved ones and they are
props, key, files, label, merge, valid, touched, validation, data, afterChange, g, set
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